Wednesday, March 28, 2012

UpdateProgress not showing.

I have an update panel that has 4 triggers to update it, and then I have an UpdateProgress that shows for that panel.

However the progress doesn't show unless a button in the panel is clicked, can it be made to show whenever the panel updates?


The UpdateProgress will not show automatically for any asyncpostback trigger. you have to manually show it. Check out this url -Displaying Update Progress Using Client Script section.

Thanks! Will check into this.

Yes you have to see the online documentation

UpdateProgress not showing up

I have a page which has a FormView control and when I click one of the rows I get an ModalPopup for editing the detailed information. This works, however it takes too long for ModalPopup to open. Since I haven't found any solution for speeding up the ModalPopup, I thought I might as well inform the user that the data is loading on the background. I also thought that I might give UpdateProgress-control a try. I know that this is not the best solution for this (performance) issue but so far is the best I can figure out.

My page looks like this:

<Button> (hidden)

So what I would like is that before ModalPopup is visible, user gets an message presented by UpdateProgress, that something is going on. However with this current setup, nothing happens, UpdateProgress is not activated. Any ideas why ?

The ModalPopupExtender and the popup control have to be inside the UpdatePanel for UpdateProgress to be activated.


Here an example of how to procede with.



<!-- Place here your ModalPopupExtender and the popup control -->





<spanstyle="font-family: Trebuchet MS; color: #ffffff;">Chargement...</span</ProgressTemplate>


<ajaxToolkit:AlwaysVisibleControlExtenderID="AlwaysVisibleControlExtender1"runat="server"TargetControlID="UpdateProgress1"HorizontalSide="Center"VerticalSide="Middle"HorizontalOffset="0" />

Kind regards,


Thanks both, I try to take look at this bit more today.

I tried this and it works, thanks !

One question though, why is AlwaysVisibleControlExtender needed, because the examples I have seen are done without this ? I always thought that UpdateProgress would be the only control needed here.

Happy to see that it works.


I tried this and it works, thanks !

One question though, why is AlwaysVisibleControlExtender needed, because the examples I have seen are done without this ?

This extender is just here for managing the UpdateProgressExtender position. As you can seeHorizontalSide="Center"VerticalSide="Middle"

are for specifying the position in the screen where you would like to have the loading displayed, and even if you are scrolling up and down inside the page, you'll see that the position will always stay where you define it.

Kind regards,

Ok, now I see why it's needed. Thanks again.

UpdateProgress not reacting to LinkButtons in MultiView and FormView

I have a Content Page with two UpdatePanels. The first one has a FormView inside it and second one has MultiView with several Views. In each of this views I have a GridView in it. I change the views by LinkButtons that are also in the same UpdatePanel.

My problem is that none of the PostBack events in the UpdatePanels seem to fire the UpdateProgress. However, if I add a third UpdatePanel with a Label and a Button whith the following code, it does react to the Button click.

ProtectedSub btnTest_Click(ByVal senderAsObject,ByVal eAs System.EventArgs)


lblTest.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString()


But it still won't react to the events in the other two panles. Am I doing something wrong? All help would be greatly appriciated.

Thank you.

One more thing:

I can also move the Label and the Button to one of the exisiting UpdatePanels and the Button Click event does fire the UpdateProgress correcctly.

I also have two DropDownLists in the FromView (located inside a UpdatePanel) with PostBack events. Shouldn't that trigger the UpdateProgess?

Anyone?Tongue Tied

Thank you.

I did some futher testing and noticed if I copy the following in the LinkButton Click Sub, the UpdateProgress shows for that 3 seconds:


So basically it seems only to work when sleeping but not when doing actually something, like sorting data in the GridView.Huh?

Is there anyway to fire the UpdateProgress manually?

Found an interesting link that almost (but not quite) handels my problem:

I tryed to use UpdatePanelAnimationExtender instead and found out a strage thing. When using the following code clicking the button that does that sleep thing, everything works fine. But when I do any other action on the that UpdatePanel (click a LinkButton that chages the active View, sort data in the GridView) the OnUpdating animation (FadeOut) only begins and then stops for several seconds until the data is rendered and then the OnUpdated animation (FadeIn) runs entirely. Strange!Hmm











I seem to be talking to myself here... MUST TAKE MY MEDICAIONIndifferent

UpdateProgress panel positioning

I have a page that has a datagrid that can be quite long. I don't want to page it so a user sometimes scrolls down and then clicks a button in the grid.

The issue is that the updateprogress image is up at the top of the page and if a user scrolls and then clicks in the grid they don't see the progress image because it is up top.

Is there a way to put the updateprogress panel where the user clicked instead of up top in a set position all the time?


You can set the position of the updateprogress image via javascript according to the button's position.


UpdateProgress panel in a Gridview Row


I have a linkbutton on gridview row that performs a function related to the row when it is clicked. I am trying to add an updateprogress Panel to each row to allow the user to know somethign is happening when button is clicked. I can not get this to work. in the row template I have the updateprogress panel and tied the event to the buton click on the row and basically all update panels in the rows show up and nothing happens when I click on a button. Does anybody have any ideas how to go about updateprogress in GridView Row?



Hi ,

From what I understand.

Why do you want dedicated UpdateProgress Panels for each row ? Cant just one Progress panel suffice?

If its a question of letting the user know which row is being updated, go with CSS / setLocation() to set the location of the Updateprogress Panel on the Page upon clicking the button




The reason is wht you suggested. I have a progresspanel on top of the page but when a row is updated it may not be visible. I am not familia with CSS/SetLocation. Could you tell me more?



updateprogress panel for onLoad Event

I am creating a dashboard where I have four quadrants on the page. Each quadrant show data for a sql query. When the page loads I fire off all four queries to retrieve the data. I want to be able to show a progress indicator graphic inside of each quad as the data is retrieved and then rendered. How do I get the graphic to display in each quad as the page is loading?

Hi Joee,

UpdateProgress only shows during an asynchronous postback. In your situation, it won't be shown because it is a synchronous post back only. So we should add four UpdatePanel and its associated UpdateProcess to the page. When the page is shown, we force the four UpdatePanels be refreshed with the datas obtained from Database. To refresh the UpdatePanel, we should use __doPostBack("UpdatePanel's ClientID",""); or fire its trigger.

Hope this helps.

Best regards,


Jonathan, do I use JavaScript for the __doPostBack() and do I just put that in the head of the page?

Hi Joee,


do I use JavaScript for the __doPostBack()

Yes, but not the only way. You can put a hidden button which is the trigger of the four UpdatePanels and use Javascript to fire its click event. Also , we have other similar ways.

I hope this help.

Best regards,


Updateprogress panel does not disappearing


I have a web page with updatepanel and updateprogress. In each callback, updateprogress is showed with a panel "loading".

My problem is that, if I call other web page that opens one PDF in other window, updateprogress does not disappear from the screen:

In button click I have:


"getDocument.aspx",false); //This page does not load on same explorer. It is opened in other window

I have tried adding code at bottom of this sentence, like "UpdatePanel1.Update();" or updateprogress1.visible=false, but no way.

Any ideas?

Thanks and regards

How you are loading the response in another explorer using Response.Redirect or are you opening the window from the client side?

refer this tutorial also:

referDisplaying Update Progress Using Client Script in the above page.This describes how to intercepte page request manager lifecycle.

Hello and thanks by responding:

I am calling a web page called Getdocument.aspx from code behind (on rowcommand of datagrid). Not from client-side.

This web page "GetDocument.aspx", generates a PDF file with Response.binaryWrite and open it in a new browser. But caller page remains or must remain active.
