Wednesday, March 28, 2012

UpdateProgress Triggers

Hey gang.

I have a XmlDataSource (RSS Feed) bound to a DataList and I am curious how on initial load up I can display the update progress when the page is loaded?

I tried to do the following:

<Triggers> <atlas:ControlEventTrigger ControlID="XmlDataSource1" EventName="Transforming" /></Triggers>

I am really not sure how to tackle this. I know that the update progress occurs on executing server side code, but not sure how to attach it to data binding changes etc.

Thanks and take care!


well the updateprogess is a simple control that shows its content during a partial postback which might occur due to an updatepanel refresh. what you're trying to do (show progress while the processing is being done on the server side) can only be done during the initial page load or a complete postback (not during a partial postback!). there are several options that you can follow for that progress info during the rendering of the page ( I do believe has several articles about it).

Thanks for your help!

How does show the RSS feed loading progress animation then when it is loading the feeds during the initial page load?

Thanks and take care.


well, i haven't used for a while now. however, i'd say that what it does is show that info when it starts getting the info and then it removes it when it's finished. this is easilly achieved when you're using a web service to get the info (since it'll be donw asynchronously). btw, this is what happens when the panels postback. however, i do think that you only get the info that something is loading and don't get anything about the percentage of the operation being performed (which i assumed you needed in the previous post).

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