Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Updateprogress on page_load ?

I have a long running process that might take several seconds to populate a control. Id like to show a progress indicator while this is being done. Anyone got an example of showing an updateprogress during page_load ? Maybe I can just use javascript to invoke a button click event on a non-visible button and have it start off the process ?
 here's a quick example:
var $user_updateProgress=Sys.Application.findComponent('ctl00_WorkingArea_Container_User_list1_UserLookupProgress');
 I had an UpdateProgress control named UserLookupProgress which I wanted to display. When the page loads, the control gets loaded into a javascript Sys.UI.Control.
So I needed to access it and it was driving me nuts! so I took a look at the source and figured out how they were doing it. Ultimately you need to use the findComponent method
of the Sys.Application class. The thing I could not figure out is why I had to reference the fully qualified ClientID in order to gain reference to my control.
From there I was able to show/hide the control.
 Hope this helps.
 P.S. if anyone has a better way , PLEASE chime in ;)

I want to show a updateprogress while my page loads. There is a tree that is populated with a large amount of data.

i have encounter same problem b4, that need to load a large data on the page load

but the interface will hang untill all the data was process.

i did a silly job to solve this problem

add a timer that run only once, set it to false by default, then on pageload and Ispostback=false, enable the timer run only once.

in the timer tick event bind the data.

thus, the databind is start after page load, and updateprogress working in this way too.

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