I have an UpdateProgress control to activate on a postback of a button control. The button_click event is performing a Response.Redirect to pull up a Report from SQL Reporting Server. The report comes up and the UpdateProgress bar is spinning on the page with the button. However, once the user closes the report and control is returned to the page, the UpdateProgress image is still there spinning.
How can I make the UpdateProgress bar to finish and go away?
Could you please post your code.
Is the UpdateProgress control inside an updatepanel?
The UpdateProgress is outside of the UpdatePanel.
Sub ImgButPrint_Click(ByVal senderAsObject,ByVal eAs System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs)Handles ImgButPrint.ClickResponse.Redirect(PrintReports.printSchedule("Schedule3", Session.Item("companyId"), Session.Item("year"), 0))EndSubThe UpdateProgress displays a spinning wheel while the response.redirect happens. The Response.Redirect is opening a report from the report server as a .pdf file. So the redirect pops up a dialog asking user either to Open, Save, or Cancel the .pdf report file. Once the user selects their option and control is returned back to the original page the UpdateProgress image is still on the screen.
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