Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Use "Hello World Using Client Script" in UserControl


I want to create a user control for dynamic date entering, and I'm trying to use the same approach as in the example:

 <form runat="server">
Search for
<input id="SearchKey" type="text" />
<input id="SearchButton" type="button"
onclick="DoSearch()" />
<hr style="width: 300px" />
<span id="Results"></span>
<script type="text/javascript"
function DoSearch()
var SrchElem = document.getElementById("SearchKey");

function OnRequestComplete(result)
var RsltElem = document.getElementById("Results");
RsltElem.innerHTML = result;


The problem is if I use <input id=SearchKey> -tag for the result, then there will be problems if I use the same control multiple times on one page (the id is not unique, and the OnRequestComplete will update every <input>-tag with id=SearchKey). If I change it to <input id=SearchKey runat=server>, asp will render unique id's for the <input>, but then .getElementById() does not find "object".

I have done a "workaround" where I passes the object's Id to the Webservice, and returns it in an array together with the result, but I don't think this is "a great way". Is there any other solution? A better one?

function DoSearch(CallerId)
var SrchElem = document.getElementById(CallerId);
Samples.AspNet.HelloWorldService.HelloWorld(, SrchElem.value,

function OnRequestComplete(result)

var objectId = result[0].toString();
var WebServiceResult = result[1].toString();
var RsltElem = document.getElementById(objectId);
RsltElem.innerHTML = result;


Lars K.

This is a common problem... if you use ASP.NET server IDs you need to reference the client ID in client script:

var Ctl = $('<%= SearchKey.ClientID %>');

will do the trick in finding the control reliably.

You also need to use this if use MasterPages or any contained control, so as a general rule this is the best way to reference server based page variables.

+++ Rick --

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